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Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®

 and The Tree of Wellness

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® is a 

whole-body Health Coaching Program 

designed to address each organ system and support the body as a whole.


Much like the elements of a tree, the "Roots" and the "Branches" together create the Tree of Wellness.

For optimal health we dig deeper and nourish the primary growth of the roots. 

A strong base can produce optimal secondary growth of the branches.


Come explore how this whole-body approach 

creates the ultimate environment 

for the body and spirit to truly thrive.

Improve Your Roots of Wellness


Begin in the Kitchen

Remove inflammatory foods from your diet and replace them with nutrient dense, 'Whole Foods' to improve health and vitality. 


Make Time for Movement

Incorporate Daily Movement to get leaner, increase strength, improve Cardiovascular Health, and Reduce STRESS!  


Add Herbs to Your Life!

Explore the benefits of utilizing Herbs to support whole body systems and promote the deeper roots of wellness.


Better Quality Sleep

Implement a healthier bedtime routine. Rest and rejuvenation are essential for restoring and rebuilding the body.


Reduce Stress & Find Joy

Effectively manage stress and enjoy life again! Improve mood, find joy and surround yourself with positive elements. Allow yourself to set clearer boundaries with others and yourself.


Green Time and Spirituality

Spending time in the sun allows us to grow. Feed your soul with time outdoors. Find ways to connect to the world around you. Reveal a deeper purpose and pursue your dreams.

Improve Your Branches of Wellness


Get a Handle on Your Gut Health

Improve Digestion and Nutrient Absorption. Improve Melatonin Production, reduce high levels of Cortisol and balance hormones. Learn how Gut Function has a direct connection with Hormones and other Organ Systems in the body including the Adrenals.


Conquer Emotional Eating

Develop a healthier relationship with food. Overcome Cravings, Balance Blood Sugar and learn to use food as fuel instead of just comfort.  Finally enjoy food while traveling and celebrating special occasions without the guilt!


Fire up the Mitochondria

Mitochondria also known as "The Power House Cells" need fat to create energy. Add in the right fuel to support health and function to your cells such as Omega 3's (olive oil, fish, nuts and seeds). Add in avocado oil to reduce mitochondrial dysfunction.


Hydrate and Eliminate 

Increase water consumption to eliminate toxins from the body, lubricate joints, deliver oxygen throughout the body, regulate body temperature, increase nutrient absorption, and improve skin integrity.  


Support Nerves & Muscles

Incorporate daily stretching for muscle recovery. Add in deep breathing exercises to regulate blood pressure and stimulate the Vagus Nerve which reduces the "fight or flight" response.  Support each body system with appropriate supplements such as Magnesium and Vitamin D3.


Boost Immunity

Change your relationship with caffeine. Exchange your second cup of coffee for Green Tea. Organic Green Tea is rich in polyphenols, reduces inflammation, improves energy, improves brain function, aids in weight loss, aids in digestion, lowers cholesterol and boosts immunity. 


Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®

Health Coach Disclaimer

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® health coaches do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any

disease or condition. Nothing we share with our clients is intended to substitute for the advice,

treatment or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. 

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN)  Practitioners may not make any medical diagnoses or claim, 

nor substitute for your persona physician’s care. It is the role of a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner to  partner with their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self-care and  should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician.

© 2022 An Elemental Life And Wellness        All Rights Reserved
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